Posts tagged with "lancia"

Talk about us on YOUNG CLASSIC
crumbs and actuality · 04. July 2023
They talk about us in the new monthly magazine just launched by ACI. We're talking about YOUNG CLASSIC and ..., Section of historical processes completely renewed!
crumbs and actuality · 05. May 2023
We are happy to be able to communicate that we have finished the makeover of the HISTORICAL ARCHIVE section within the menu item .....

Pubbli Mais at Autolook Week Torino
events · 15. September 2022
We could not miss the first edition of Autolook Week (7-11 September 2022), an extraordinary event promoted by the City of Turin and the Piedmont Region and which .....

Miracle, Pubbli Auto still exists and we didn't know it!

Historical intertwining: the handover between Pubbli Auto and Pubbli Mais
crumbs and actuality · 02. August 2021
Pubbli Auto, founded in 1958, was a well-known historic Italian company that, starting from the early 1970s ...

events · 14. November 2019
Una serata dedicata unicamente alla Lancia Delta e ai suoi quarant'anni presso il Muoseo dell' Automobile di Torino. Una serata "integrale" .......

crumbs and actuality · 26. July 2019
Da qualche tempo PubbliMais è partner di RUOTE LEGGENDARIE, un team composto da un gruppo di appassionati e possessori di auto storiche ....

events · 08. June 2019
Tutte le foto della nostra bella avventura d'oltralpe. Da gustare solo se avete già visto il video nella prima parte, per non rovinarvi le sorprese!

events · 02. March 2019
Siamo stati inviati al Museo dell' Automobile di Torino per assistere alla presentazione del libro LANCIA ............

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