We are happy to tell you about the new product released from our laboratories, the VINTAGE sticker or sticker with "Vintage effect". This product joins the classic and already known digital printed sticker and further improves our offer, so we want to start from the beginning and tell you all the details.



The need to create a "VINTAGE" adhesive product arose over the last few years (from 2020 onwards), when we found ourselves working assiduously for the reconstruction of the sponsors of historic Italian and foreign rally cars for a very important exhibition of international value. We realized that the traditional or digitally printed stickers, while respecting the original colors and graphics, did not possess the "antiquity" flavor that instead transpired from the finish of the paint on the bodywork and the liveries of the vintage cars that we had to decorate . So it was that we came up with the idea of recovering this "ancient" flavor by dusting off the printing methods and technologies in use at the time of the golden years of racing, in the 70s-80s-90s. We are talking about serigraphy-type methodology, a creation process that makes use of successive overlapping of colors and other technologies that perfectly simulate this procedure.

The first experiments in our laboratories were surprising. Compared with of the digital counterpart, the new VINTAGE stickers restored the aesthetics of the car to that note of antiquity we were looking for: the colors were homogeneous like a paint, the surface finish was less thick while the glossy-matt contrast gave the impression to find ourselves in front of stickers that decorated the car in a compliant and credible way in terms of visual and tactile rendering with respect to the period in which those cars were created.



This new product was certainly more complex to produce than the traditional digital adhesive, but PubbliMais continued with the experimentation to improve the product in every aspect since it understood that in the end it would be worth it.

In fact, despite the higher production and sales costs compared to the modern digital sticker, the VINTAGE would have filled a gap present on the market, allowing enthusiasts and collectors who are particularly attentive and obsessive about the "historicity" aspect of their cars to be fully satisfied also in terms of aesthetics.

Thanks to this research PubbliMais is now able to offer a choice - Digital Printing or VINTAGE sticker - which did not exist before.



So, Digital or VINTAGE? The choice is yours, for us it is a great satisfaction to have put you in a position to make this choice!

Since 2023, to help you choose, we have been giving the possibility - to those who are able to reach us in Turin at our premises - to see both types of stickers live, digital and VINTAGE. You will thus have the possibility to touch and compare all the products live and thus make the best choice for your car.

We leave you with some images of the VINTAGE stickers, even if the photos don't do full justice to their peculiarities and characteristics.


Write to us, show us your project for your historic car and we will try to advise you in the best possible way!

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